About the Company, Owner Steve Bianchi, and His Family.
The lawncare side of the business has been dated back to 1972 as my father cut lawns on the side for 20 years as another full time job to supplement his income as a Towing Manager for a large tow truck firm. In 1992 he was laid off after 20 years of service so he decided to go full swing with the lawncare business .As I was 12 years old in 1992 I didn’t know much about the economy but I was strong as an ox and was shoveling snow already for people in my neighborhood since I was 8 years old (boy how times have changed,try asking a teenager now!!!)I was mowing lawns with him after school and on the weekends I had 10 lawns of my own(took the whole weekend!!!) I worked through high school building up my cliental to 30 driveways in the winter (snow days no school) Combining my lawns and my fathers lawns into one business in 1994 we were mowing over 50 lawns weekly together. My parents gave me the opportunity in 1996 to take over the 1 old truck operation ,I just received my drivers liscence and I was hungry. I decided yes as he ventured off to gain some revenge on the towing scene. Fast forward 20 more years ; He now controls the light duty towing scene in greater Waterbury as one of the largest towing companies in Greater Waterbury!!! Great job old man!!! Now Back to Neighbors Care Lawn Landscaping and Snow. In fall of 97’ I purchased my first snow plow 4x4 truck and started plowing commercially as well as still taking care of all my regular residential clients. I managed to pick up two new accounts (one which I still have today) for that season throwing sand/salt from the back of the truck!!! The following year I bought another plow truck and added a few more commercial accounts as well as bunch of new driveways. In 1998 I went to college and majored in horticultural to gain more knowledge for the business. I started a family in 2000 with my wife Nikki and our first son Donaven . Business was growing and so was our family with our second son Riley in 2003.We added our Beautiful Daughter to the team in 2007,right as the ecomomy was dipping into a recession .These past several years have made us all stronger , more respectful and wiser as a company ,not knowing where the next dollar will be coming from. As the years flew by we purchased and upgraded about a truck or loader per year adding sanders, salters, deicers ,employees and taking on more residentials gas stations ,pharmacies, condos, stripmalls , churches and anyone who needed help, great service and a reasonable price. We now in our 15th snow season ,have 12 plow trucks ,2 loaders,8 sanders ,numerous snow blowers ,and shovels . We also provide commercial and residential roof shoveling as well. In our Landscaping season we Maintain 150 lawns (25% commercial) with 2 crews ,provide Spring &Fall cleanup,trim hedges ,bushes, shrubs aerate overseed ect…,We have a full landscape design/build team which also installs new lawns ,waterfalls, putting greens, sprinkler systems, fencing, and decking. We have a full tree removal company as well as an emergency hurricane/disaster Tree damage branch . Another crew handles the masonary side as pertaining to but not limited to walls, walks, patios, bluestone, veneer , brick,and poured in place concrete .We have grown into quite the outfit here in Wolcott/Waterbury/Cheshire not because we are great at what we do ,but because we love what we do! We treat each property as if it were our own , mainly because it is a part of us when we leave our footprint! We will provide you with the best service that can be possibly proudly served. When we carefully select our staff, we try to invest into lifers ,people who are willing to sacrifice part of their life to enhancing the beauty of your property. These individuals are born and raised in the lawn/land/snow industry as well as I was.These men women have a passion for greatness and are always willing to go that extra step for you(even after 30 hrs straight of plowing)!!! This past two seasons have weeded out all the companies who left their customers for broken vehicles , business/family stress or plain old “just too tired to plow so ill get it when im rested” attitude.Last years no snowfall really put some companies under. Even after the bad economy and the huge snow storms and no snow seasons we are still here with a 92% customer retention base looking to add a few more local commercial/residential customers! Don't be fooled by other companies that failed in the past. We strive for excellance and want you to tell your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family members that Neighbors Care was the right choice. And as always ,Need Help?, Remember, “Neighbors Care”
Thank You from all our staff
Steve Bianchi & Family